
The LogicNets Story

LogicNets was started in 2004 by our CEO Jelle Ferwerda. Jelle saw that there was a gap in technologies to make professional services delivery more efficient. He had worked as an ERP software implementation consultant and was struck by the repetitive nature and lack of automation. This inspired him to start researching tools to help automate his part of the service delivery process. As he envisioned a solution based on no-code visual application design, he realized that there was a great opportunity to build and market a general product and this led to the creation of LogicNets. The company’s mission was to create a technology to enable easy and cost-effective automation for all the important processes that were too specialized to be addressed in the standard automation environments of ERPs, CRMs, EHRs and similar infrastructure systems.

As LogicNets began to develop its interactive visual design and run-time components, we also saw that the success of our concept was integrally tied to the web. The key to meaningful content-driven applications is that the experts and business process stakeholders need to collaborate. The LogicNets product would need to be cloud-based so that a variety of different players could easily access the platform and contribute to creating applications. We would also need to leverage the de facto standardization of web browsers to ensure universal access to applications by users.

Within a short period of time our initial customers were using LogicNets to create a wide range of content-driven applications. The applications were exciting and connected our small operation to mission-critical programs for major corporations – many of whom still work with us years later. However, while the no-code visual creation concept was reaping benefits, we were limited in how customers could use the platform. We were having to provide significant consulting services to develop application infrastructure to match our customer’s unique use cases and the way in which users consumed the content.

This gave rise to our application frameworks. We developed the frameworks in the context of a number of large customer engagements in different fields. These large-scale use cases – such as our provisioning of the Dutch healthcare system with pathology reporting for every patient case — validated our ideas and ensured we were addressing the specific requirements of each application type. Over the last 5 years our ability to package content for delivery for specific use cases in Healthcare, Support, Manufacturing, Sales, Legal, and other fields has allowed LogicNets customers to work unilaterally in LogicNets to reach their objectives.

Today, LogicNets is a rapidly growing organization scaling out from our core key account relationships. We feel we are extraordinarily positioned to grow as a leading force in the global movement towards cloud-based no-code content-driven application development. Our teams and core partners feel immense satisfaction from the successful applications that have been created by large and small organizations thanks to LogicNets.


Jelle Ferwerda

Patrick Dowling
SVP Sales & Marketing

Wolter Haverhals

Paul Swarts

Vincent Van Der Haven
VP Platform